Lenny Kravitz is such an inspiration for me and my natural hair. As black men, I fully believe that embracing our natural curly hair is important so as to fully maximize ourselves as men.
Our sisters for so long have had to adapt the straight hair western standard whereas our brothers have had to keep their hair buzzed and inexpressive. Sisters, brothers...wake up! Embrace your black natural hair like Lenny Kravitz no matter your gender and be proud of what makes you as a human being!
A natural male hair friendly reminder...
This is my blog on natural hair and curly hair men. Blogging about hair is just a hobby for me, so if you need more advice and tips on mens hair and hairstyles, then visit this mens grooming and hairstyles site for men hairstyles, curly hair and natural hair from an actual hair expert. My advice is only limited to what so far I have experienced with my kinky curly hair during my natural growth journey, so I would prefer that you visited that site for more serious hair grooming and styling advice if that's what you're after. But other than that, please enjoy my natural male hair blog! :-)